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考生必读:托福阅读中总结类型题目分析 2014-04-21 15:20 长城网
【字号: | | 【背景色 杏仁黄 秋叶褐 胭脂红 芥末绿 天蓝 雪青 灰 银河白(默认色)


  These items measure your ability to understand and recognize the major ideas and the relative importance of information in a passage. You will be asked to select the major ideas in the passage by distinguishing them from minor ideas or ideas that are not in the passage. The correct answer choice will synthesize major ideas in the passage. Because the correct answer represents a synthesis of ideas, it will not match any particular sentence from the passage. To select the correct answer, you will need to create a mental framework to organize and remember major ideas and other important information. Understanding the relative importance of information in a passage is critical to this ability. In a Prose Summary question, you will be given six answer choices and asked to pick the three that express the most important ideas in the passage. Unlike the Basic Information questions, each of which is worth just one point, a Prose Summary question can be worth either one or two points depending on how many correct answers you choose. If you choose no correct answers or just one correct answer, you will earn no points. If you choose two correct answers, you will earn one point. If you choose all three correct answers, you will earn two points. The order in which you choose your answers does not matter for scoring purposes。


  1.这种题型的考点是让学生找出三个Main Points(Ideas),而不是找出哪三个是对的,哪三个是错的。

  2.三个错误答案有两种可能性,一种是文章的Minor Ideas,也就是说是小细节。而另外一种错误的可能性就是文章中压根没有提到。从真实考试情况来看,第二种情况出现的可能性比较小。


  4.从分值来看,这种题型占到2分,选对3个Main Ideas才能够答对2分。选对2个得1分。只选对一个或者一个都没有选对得0分。其实从分值和6选3的概率来看,全部做对和全部做错的可能性都是很低的。从大量的考生分数来看,得一分的情况比较多。也就是说,在考生对全文内容不熟悉的情况下,凭着对着文章主旨的了解来做选择,在6题中做对2题的情况比例非常高。因此,我们可以这样说,只要对文章主旨完全吃透,另外在做四选一的题目时对每个段落的内容有大致的了解,得2分的可能性还是很大的。




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